Mino Bimaadiziwin

9 min.

Showing In

Warrior Women
State Theatre Sun, Aug 5, 2018 9:00 AM
Centered on the life and work of Lakota community organizer Madonna Thunder Hawk, Warrior Women reveals the largely untold story of women’s activism in the Red Power movement. Directors Christina D. King (Up Heartbreak Hill, TCFF 2011) and Elizabeth A. Castle’s inspiring documentary not only captures her involvement in the American Indian Movement (AIM) using interviews and rare archival footage—including AIM’s occupation of Wounded Knee—it also powerfully explores how she instilled the fight for Native rights in her daughter Marcy. Today, both women continue to lead their movement as they take arms against the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota. And with Marcy now a mother herself, the question of how a commitment to change is passed down from one generation to another makes the magnitude of Thunder Hawk’s legacy all the more clear. IN PERSON: Directors Christina D. King and Elizabeth Castle; Subjects Madonna Thunderhawk and Marcy Gilbert.
Film Info
Section:Short Films
Release Year:9 min.
Runtime:Short Narrative
Premiere Status:International Premiere
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Cleo KeahnaGrace Dove
Produced by:Shane McSauby
Cinematography:Shane McSauby


A trans Anishinaabe man has lost all connection to his culture until he has a chance meeting with a mysterious Anishinaabe woman.