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Shorts - Fiction 2
Old Town Playhouse Sat, Aug 4, 2012 3:00 PM
This group of stunningly crafted shorts trades in high drama and mounting tension as the films' protagonists are forced to make difficult decisions. Featuring a cast of Somali refugees, “Asad” follows a young boy faced with a choice between falling in with pirates or living an honest, humble life, while in the drug ballad “Narcocorrido,” a pill-popping cop finds herself in over her head after a border shakedown goes awry, and in “Unmanned,” a young drone pilot living thousands of miles away from the warzone gets a harsh wake-up call in the aftermath of an errant missile strike.
Film Info
Section:Short Films
Release Year:2011
Runtime:23 min
Production Country:Canada
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Michael Hogan
Wayne Wilcox
Zoe Winters
Director:Mark Raso
Produced by:Jean-Marceau Sécheret
Screenwriter:Jake Crane
Mark Raso
Cinematography:Alan Poon
Editing By:Mark Raso
Music By:Agatha Kasprzyk


A love story about city girl Sydney, a relapsed drug addict, who is convinced to journey to a country cabin by her fiancé Tom in order to clean up.