Hold On

2017 | USA | 9 min.

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Shorts: Fork in the Road
Bijou by the Bay Wed, Jul 26, 2017 12:00 PM
This program of thought-provoking shorts explores those times when two roads diverge in a wood. In “Retouch,” Iranian filmmaker Kaveh Mazaheri tells the story of a woman who is given the choice to determine her husband’s fate. Five-year-old Alexa faces a monumental decision after realizing that her mother is on the verge of collapse in Norwegian director Nina Knag’s “It’s Alright.” And on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in Rana Kazkaz and Anas Khalaf’s “Mare Nostrum,” a Syrian father makes a decision that puts his daughter’s life at risk.
Film Info
Section:Short Films
Release Year:2017
Runtime:9 min.
Production Country:USA
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Christine Turner
Produced by:Trent
Screenwriter:Charlotte Scott-Wilson
Marielot van der Slikke
Cinematography:Lennart Verstegen
Editing By:Annelotte Medema
Cast:Charlie Chan Dagelet
Roeland Fernhout
Lidewij Mahler


Family bonds are tested when a young man is left to care for his grandmother one morning.