A Tropical Sunday

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Short Narratives 2
Old Town Playhouse Fri, Aug 1, 2014 3:00 PM
Sponsored by: Grand Traverse Democrats and Lee & Donna Hornberger
Truly global in scope, this year’s dramatic shorts program features films from Israel, Mozambique, Ireland, Iran, and the UK. Offering sharp social commentary, “More Than Two Hours” follows a young unmarried couple in Iran as they wander the city late at night in search of a hospital; three homeless children will do whatever it takes to enjoy a day at the Funfair in “A Tropical Sunday;” and “The Kármán Line” finds Sarah (acclaimed British actress Olivia Colman) mysteriously floating away from the Earth’s surface as her family watches helplessly.
Film Info
Release Year:2014
Runtime:15 min.
Production Country:Mozambique
Original Language:Portuguese
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Odette Chissano
Batista Goca
Fabiao Machava
Zé Zimila
Director:Fabian Ribezzo
Produced by:Silvia Bottone
Fabian Ribezzo
Screenwriter:Fabian Ribezzo
Cinematography:Pipas Forjaz
Editing By:Fabian Ribezzo
Dario Zanasi
Music By:Roland Pickl


Maputo, Mozambique. Lisa, Babu, Gito and Nuno live on the streets. At Sunday they spend the time at the Funfair, looking for a chance to jump on a ride and feel like children again.

Screens with:
Short Narratives 2