XY Chelsea

2019 | UK | NR | 92 min.


Milliken at the Dennos Museum Fri, Aug 2, 2019 9:00 PM
Film Info
Section:Blow that Whistle!
Release Year:2019
Runtime:92 min.
Production Country:UK
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Tim Travers Hawkins
Produced by:Julia Nottingham
Lucas Ochoa
Thomas Benski
Isabel Davis
Screenwriter:Mark Monroe
Editing By:Enat Sidi
Andrea Scott
Cast:Chelsea Manning
Nancy Hollander
Vincent J. Ward


This poignant vérité-style documentary goes beyond the clickbait headlines to reveal an intimate look at Chelsea Manning, the former soldier who in 2010 uploaded thousands of documents to WikiLeaks, disclosing to the world that war crime atrocities were occurring in Iraq. The film picks up Manning's story just as she’s been pardoned by President Obama, having served seven of her thirty-five year prison sentence. Considering her roles as whistleblower, trans woman, and activist, the film follows her for two years, unravelling her complicated and sometimes harrowing history and wondering what's next in her uncertain future. As layered as the person it examines, this fascinating doc delivers a tense and emotional perspective of a public figure who has been revered, reviled, and most especially misunderstood.